The Festival of Dashain in Nepal

Ishan Mainali

Dashain, or Dashera, is the Hindu festival of the celebration of goodness in the world.

The mythical story is that Goddess Durga defeated the demon Mahishasur, and to celebrate the victory of goodness over evil, Dashain is celebrated.

During Dashain, tika (made out of rice and yogurt) is put by elders on the forehead of younger family members. They give blessings to the younger members of the family. In addition to blessing, money is also given.

People like to ride tall swings made out of bamboo during Dashain. They also fly colorful kites in the sky. A lot of offices and schools are closed, so people enjoy their time with family and friends.

If you want to know more about Nepal and its festivals or culture, you can sign up for a lesson here-

Have a great day! :)


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日语   只能说一点


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