Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know

Lyston G.

Dear, Readers. 

I am very excited to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know. 

I hope you all had a memorable weekend. 

If my information serves me right, it was a long weekend in Japan. 

I hope you enjoyed the holiday. 

It is wet in southern Thailand. It has been raining all week. 

Today, I have an intriguing fact coming out of the southern part of our planet. 

An aurora is a natural electric phenomenon that creates bright and colorful light displays in the sky, and most people are aware of the Aurora Borealis. 

But, did you know that;

The Aurora Borealis has a sister phenomenon in the southern hemisphere called the Aurora Australis.


The Northern Lights get a lot of hype, often stealing the spotlight from the Southern Lights, which are visible from New Zealand, Tasmania, and Antarctica.

 Aurora Australis, like Aurora Borealis, occurs when solar particles collide with gases in Earth's atmosphere. 

Also like the northern lights, the best time to see this magnificent light show is in the winter— southern winter, of course. 


March through September are prime viewing seasons. It can best be seen from the most southern landmasses, such as Tasmania, New Zealand, and Antarctica.


It is very interesting. Some of my students have been to the northern parts of Europe, and they have viewed the wonderful Northern Lights. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this little fun fact. I certainly enjoyed sharing it with you. 

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


Enjoy the rest of the week. 


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