Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know

Lyston G.

Dear, Readers. 

It is great to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know. 

I hope you are all doing fantastic, and have been enjoying reading the previous columns. 

The rainy season has finally come to a close in southern Thailand. It has been a long one. 

The temperatures are creeping back up as we approach summer. 

One thing I can be certain of is that it is going to be sizzling hot during the next couple of months. 

Well, today, I have a fun fact about trees and the galaxy. 

Are you ready?

Did you know that;

There are more trees on earth than there are stars in the galaxy.

Yes! Three trillion to be exact. That's the staggering number of trees on Earth, according to a new tally that astounds even the scientists who compiled it. Three trillion is three followed by 12 zeros.

This is more than the number of stars in the Milky Way and more than the number of cells in a human brain. 

If the sum is accurate – and other scientists think it is – the planet boasts roughly 420 trees for every living person.

The gold medal for tree numbers goes to Russia, with 642 billion. 

The United States is fourth with 228 billion, behind Russia, Canada, and Brazil. The figures are published in Nature.

This is an enlightening fun fact. Looking into the night sky, it appears as if there are more stars. But, as they say, we learn something new every day. 


I hope you will have fun reading this little fun fact. If you have something to say on the topic, please do not hesitate to use the comments section below. 

I will be back with another fun fact for you to enjoy. 

Have a thrilling week. See you soon. 



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