Suddenly... Birds!

每週主題: What Surprised You Recently?

Pilar Barrera

Something that has surprised me lately is birds. Yes, birds!

This morning a little swallow was there on my bedroom’s window. They are nesting during this time…

Last week, while I was cooking, a crow surprised me from a tree!

Birds symbolize many things. Swallows symbolize good luck and protection, and crows symbolize transformation and change.

Birds are common characters in tales: from Aesop’s The Fox and the Crow to Oscar Wilde’s swallow in The Happy Prince.

Why not exploring Oscar Wilde’s tales with me? In a super easy way, we will talk about The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant. Looking at images, we will talk about the events of the stories and their messages. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice your English. Tell me your level, and I’ll adapt this lesson to your level and needs!



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西班牙語   母語程度
英語   接近母語程度
葡萄牙語   精通
日語   日常會話程度


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