An Adventure of Epic Dimensions!

Pilar Barrera

The Hobbit was published in 1937. The original idea came to Tolkien’s mind one day while he was correcting exams. Suddenly, he wrote: “in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit”.  

The Hobbit features many different creatures: hobbits, dwarves, elves, dragons, wizards, and many others. It is a story of epic dimensions!

Tolkien was influenced by the Old English poem Beowulf, a manuscript from the 10th century that describes the adventures of the fabulous Beowulf an extremely strong man who fought monsters and dragons!

Explore with me Tolkien’s life and The Hobbit while practicing your English! Using lots of images, we will link the story to topics related to English. You will make descriptions, talk about the different settings of the story, and more. I’ll adapt this lesson to your needs.



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西班牙语   母语程度
英语   接近母语程度
葡萄牙语   没有不通顺感
日语   日常会话程度


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