Museums and Art: Let your Imagination Fly!

Pilar Barrera

Mona Lisa. Perhaps the most famous painting in the world. THE masterpiece of Renaissance art. I feel intrigued by Mona Lisa’s smile and the landscape behind. Where is she sitting? Why the infinite landscape? Is she smiling at me, at herself?

I love going to museums. You can go to the same museum over and over, and each time the experience is unique. A museum is a container of millions of stories: little fragments of human history and expression. History, Art, or Archeology, museums offer a glimpse of what it means to be human.  

Behind every painting there is an entire world: Why did the painter choose that topic? What do the colors tell us? What does the style represent and what is its historical and cultural context?

These are just a few questions that we can ask about any painting. But, what about what the painting tells each person individually?

How do I feel when I look at a certain painting? Does it remind me of something about my life and myself? Each work of art represents something about the world and tells us something about ourselves.

Join me in my lesson called “Talking about Art and Museums”. In this fun and relaxed 30-minute English conversation lesson, we will talk about why you like museums; we will look at different paintings and discuss what they mean to you. We will also talk about beloved personal objects and decide if they should be put in a museum and why. This lesson is for upper beginner, intermediate, or advanced students. I’ll adapt to your needs.


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