Learning with Picturebooks: Let the Fun Begin!

Pilar Barrera

Books are a window to incredible worlds, and picturebooks are the first contact with those worlds. Picturebooks are a combination of images and words that complement each other. The pictures show us the story and the words confirm or challenge what the pictures convey. Pictureboks help children to pick up vocabulary and reaffirm words they already know. They also help children understand how stories work, and how to interact with books. The illustrations are a visual experience: what does the picture say? What little details are hidden?

Sharing a picturebook is not only about learning a language, it is about bonding and discovering the beauty of simple things that can take us to incredible adventures!

Sharing a picturebook encourages interaction and lets children recognize elements from their own world and approach new experiences. Picturebooks provide a happy, fun, time that goes beyond learning: they mark the beginning of what can be a life-long journey with literature.  Who doesn’t remember a beloved picturebook from childhood?

Join me in my picturebook series: I have lessons for children between 4 and 6 years old. Apart from reading the story, we do lots of fun activities and practice vocabulary and expressions!



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西班牙语   母语程度
英语   接近母语程度
葡萄牙语   没有不通顺感
日语   日常会话程度


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