Studying Abroad and Where the Water Sleeps

每週主題: Must-have Items to Bring for Studying Abroad!

Pilar Barrera

I think that when you are going to study abroad, it is essential to bring something you love, something that reminds you of home, of your roots, of where you come from. It can be a T-shirt, a book, a photo, anything dear to you; anything that is easy to pack and have near you, and that whenever you see it, you remember that home isn’t too far away.

I’ve been abroad to study three times in my life: when I was 17 to Italy, when I was 24 to Canada, and when I was 44 to England. I’ve also lived in different countries because of my husband’s job. Every time, I’ve taken with me a very little book with stories from my childhood. It’s called Where the Water Sleeps (Donde Duerme el Agua, in Spanish) by Spanish-Romanian author Angela Ionescu. It’s a little book with short stories that I loved as a child. It reminds me of who I am, of why I love literature, and it helps me feel at home wherever I am



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