Cooking TV Shows: A Fun and Delicious Way of Learning

每週主題: Recommended dramas/movies for language learners

Pilar Barrera

(Photo by Kevin Phillips)

I think that a fun, interesting (and certainly delicious!) way of learning and practicing a language is by watching cooking shows. The use of language is natural, yet paused, and clear. Moreover, the step-by-step visual sequence is a wonderful way to learn vocabulary related to ingredients as well as verbs and useful expressions.  What’s also great about these shows is that you learn about cultural aspects as well: what ingredients are more commons in one culture? What kind of seasoning is used?

Cooking reality TV shows like The Great British Bake Off or MasterChef add ‘spice’ to them because you also listen to contestants talk about the difficulties and challenges they have. You also get familiarized with expressions used when reacting to different food.

So, go ahead and watch a cooking show in the language you’re learning; you’ll end up learning the language and cooking! And if you’re still interested in practicing, I have lessons on cooking and recipes! In my lessons, we explore different recipes, talk about the ingredients, utensils needed, and the preparation process, so that you can prepare the dish at home later. If you like this lesson you can book it again and we’ll talk about different recipes! This lesson is for ALL levels because I’ll adapt it to your needs.


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西班牙語   母語程度
英語   接近母語程度
葡萄牙語   精通
日語   日常會話程度


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