I would like to get cut this year. Did you understand that phrase?
Which one do you think it is?
A) To lose your position on a work project or team.
B) To gain muscle
C) To lose contact with someone you don't like.
The answer is:
I want to lose weight and gain a lot of muscle.
Cut in this instance means that you can clearly see most muscles. For example, a very cut person was Bruce Lee. He was not only very fit. He was cut.
You can have a lot of muscle but not be cut.
An example of this is Sumo wrestlers. They are very strong and big but you can not see their individual muscles.
On the opposite end of the spectrum are marathon runners. They are also very athletic but not big or cut. They are strong but very lean.
This is because both groups work out different muscles differently. Their goals to achieve strength are different.
My goal is to be athletic but have muscle definition. To get where I want to be I have to combine the two styles of strength training.
This is one of the goals I am working toward being able to achieve before the end of the year.
Please feel free to contact me to learn more about the subject.
I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Have an awesome week.
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