
(リラックス習慣の効果)The Effects of Relaxing Habit

Teacher Asuka

The Effects of Relaxing Habit

My English Broadcasting below

Hello, everyone! How are you today? It's Teacher Asuka.

Recently, we can get a lot of information about current problems easily through using various kinds of media like television, internet, social media and so on in daily life.


Because of the news about Omicron Pandemic as well as the current Ukraine affairs rather than information overload every day, it seems people in the world tend to get depressed and to feel unwell.


Such too much information and having negative feeling will make people get exhausted, especially, "brain fatigue". If you don't know about the cause of fatigue well, you may be a brain fatigue and lead to get depression.  


To solve these problems, you need to be aware of your fatigue first. Then, you should get rid of too much information.

In addition, you need to use half your mobile phones or computers as much as possible, and to relax in your life, you can join” Zen Meditation” and do "Mindfulness" which is to concentrate on doing just one thing like breath, and think nothing more than once a day, as well as walking, exercising, doing Yoga, in nature.

You may know "Mindfulness" as the famous company like "Apple “and, “Google" take in their workers training.


Such relaxing habit and being free from too much information will make you healthier, stronger, and much better condition than before.


Thank you for joining me as usual.

See you next time.


Teacher Asuka



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