
I just read that this week’s topic would be on TEA and it wouldn’t be ME if I did not blog about one of my favorite and regular beverages of the day!

Tea is a very welcoming beverage that I look forward to drinking either late afternoon or in the evening.

My family and friends have known me to have  my teas over cozy long conversations surrounded by company. However, I also enjoy having a cup of tea by my side as I read or watch a sitcom.

So, how do I make my tea and what do I have it with?

I usually prefer using a tea bag to tea leaves as it's convenient and doesn't need straining of the tea leaves. I then steep my tea for 3 to 5 minutes before adding a dash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar to it. Sometimes, I crush cardamoms and cloves to add to my milk tea. If I choose to add these spices, I would usually add them prior to steeping the tea so that the spices get infused with the tea.

Occasionally , I enjoy herbal teas, although I tend to have them before bed.

When I used to live in Singapore, I would order tea at the hawker centre for breakfast. The tea sold at the hawker centres is usually mixed with condensed or evaporated milk, rather than fresh milk. I love to have my tea “pulled” when I have them at the hawker centre. This version of a “pulled tea” is known as Teh Tarik, where Tarik means ‘pull’ in Malay. It basically involves pouring tea between two cups to create a frothy surface over the tea.

I used to enjoy the ginger version of this type of "pulled tea" which is called Teh Halia. (‘halia’ being the Malay word for ‘ginger’).

As an accompaniment to tea, I prefer spicy snacks like vegetable or fish cutlets or even samosas. 

When none of these nor a sliced cake becomes available, I'd dip my fingers into my biscuit tin and have a plain old gingernut biscuit to go with my tea. 

It’s nearing the end of autumn and the start of winter here in Australia and I’m leaning onto 2 , sometimes 3 cups of tea a day! When I lived in Singapore, I’d pour myself an extra cuppa when the wet monsoons arrived. I enjoy connecting with nature on such days while sipping on a piping cup of tea , all while watching the rain pour outdoors.

I’d love to hear how you have your tea too. Perhaps, over a cuppa during one of our conversation sessions?

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