Singing in the Rain

每週主題: Something you would do on a rainy day...

Lizzie H

In the state where I live, we don't get a whole lot of rain. In fact, the natural color of the grass around here is usually pretty yellow. Growing up, I thought that green grass and green trees everywhere was some kind of fairy tale landscape that didn't happen in the real world. The first time I traveled to a state with a more humid climate, boy was I surprised!

I guess that's why it feels special when it rains around here. Real rain -- I mean more than just a pitter patter -- is kind of an event in itself. When I was a child, I liked to run outside when there was a rainstorm. I didn't bother putting shoes on; I just liked to feel the wetness of the ground beneath my feet. And yes, I would often sing in the rain. 

There's a famous musical called "Singin' in the Rain". Have you ever watched it? In a famous rainy scene, Gene Kelly splashes through puddles and swings his umbrella around while singing joyfully. He knows that he looks silly, but he doesn't care! I think that attitude towards life is important from time to time. We all spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think of us... so much so that we often forget to enjoy the little things in life. What's wrong with singing in the rain?

In a rainstorm, I'd much rather be outside than inside. And I'll take any excuse to sing that I can!

Vocabulary and expressions:

We get a lot of (rain, sunshine, snow, etc.) = [雨など]が多い

fairy tale landscape = おとぎ話の景色

boy, was I [adjective] = もう本当に [形容詞] だったよ!

pitter patter = ぱらぱら(雨の音)

an event in itself = それ自体はイーベントみたい

to not bother doing something = 何かしようとしない

splash through puddles = 水たまりにバシャバシャと歩く

swing an umbrella around = 傘を振り回す

enjoy the little things = 生活のささいなことを楽しむ

take any excuse to sing = 何だかんだと理由をつけて歌う

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