Songs for my Daughter

今週のテーマ: 最近、頭から離れない曲


When I have a song stuck in my head, it's usually a nursery rhyme. My daughter loves singing and we listen to nursery rhymes every day. If I let her choose, she will pick the same ones over and over again. We often listen to the same rotation of songs every day for weeks on end - she loves it, but for me, it's too repetitive. So then to have the song stuck in my head as well, I never escape! The same songs go around and around... The irony is that many of the songs go around and around too - The Wheel on the Bus go Round and Round.... or maybe Round and Round the Garden Like a Teddy Bear...
Oh well, sometimes she wants to try new songs and I can discover great new songs to sing in my kids' lessons, too. My students love singing in class and learning new words through nursery rhymes. Would your little one like to practice English through songs? Check out the lesson info for more information!



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英語   ネイティブ
日本語   不便を感じない
中国語   日常会話程度
スウェーデン語   カタコト


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