Have you ever experienced the so called "culture shock"

周间主题: Have you ever experienced the so called "culture shock"?

Nadine Flores

I have lived in four different countries - Canada, Philippines, Japan and New Zealand. I would say that the only time I experienced culture shock was when I first moved to Japan. I grew up in Canada, my parents are from the Philippines and New Zealand is an English-speaking country so Japan was very new to me. My Japanese language skill at the time was very low and even though I wanted to improve it, I didn't really have the chance because I worked as an English-teacher where I spent most of my time speaking in English.

I felt very comfortable in Japan in terms of being a resident but felt like I always needed help to really experience the fullness of the country. Luckily I met great friends who helped me get by. I miss them dearly and I miss Japan so much.

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