Essence of Happiness

Teacher Asuka

English Broadcasting below:

Today, I'm going to think about 'essence of people's happiness.'

Do you appreciate your body and soul every day?

People have a few hours to rest such as sleeping, having a nap within a day although it depends on the people, and occupation, of course. 

When it comes to our organs like heart,lung and so forth, they work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without rest. However, most of us  never say thank to our body and soul. We take them for granted.

People are always thinking not how much time they have left in life, but how much money they have to make to get what they want for living. It is natural to think that way because most people live their lives in the world of capitalism.

Do you know the former president Mujica in Uruguay? He told us 'The poorest people  are not those who don't have anything but who aren't satisfied with what they have already and want more and more' at the UN conference in June, 2012.

The thought of capitalism pushes most of us produce and consume many things much more to gain wealth. In the process of developing capitalism, we destroy nature, various natural resources have been exploited in many developing countries. It may seem people in industrialized countries tend to be suffering from a kind of luxury disease. 

It's time we need to rethink our mindsets above. It is said the goal of SDGs is when we won't say SDGs at all. We need to be aware of what the essence of people's happiness from now on.

I think happiness is caring about our own organs, body, and soul, staying healthy as well as living in a moment, not comparing to others and being yourself, enjoying the little things in life. Moreover, be thankful for what we have and focusing on what's important.

By the way, what do you think about your own happiness?

Thank you for joining me as always.

See you next time!

Teacher Asuka



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