Coffee Power

T Mun Yee

Whenever I start the morning with a steaming mug of coffee, I notice a gradual change in my mood. It hits roughly around three sips into the mug. The first teases the still-slumbering senses awake. That stops me from shuffling around like a sleep-walking zombie. The second kick-starts the work button. I awaken to the impulses of the day's priorities. By the third, the body machinery is humming along in a most agreeable manner.

The caffeine hit doesn't work as well with a coke, tea or chocolate, all varying favourites of mine. But give me a coffee and I'll sit behind the wheel singing along with the radio, unruffled by the traffic snarl. From a dour perspective of the world, which I catch listening to the news, coffee navigates me towards the uplifting bits where the silver lining is.

It feels like a blush when the caffeine hits, a radiating spread of positivity. I know it as not the best time to decide on new commitments, not when no challenge appears too hard. Fortunately, when the caffeine effect dissolves, it doesn't leave me in a slump.

All things good in moderation, enjoy your cuppa!


P/S: A cup of coffee, a cuppa, a cup of java, a cup of joe are just a few of the many ways to refer to your favourite beverage. See if you can look up some more.  

Postscript added on 10 Oct 2023: Note: Thank you to those who have written to let me know you enjoy reading my column but daren't take a lesson because there are parts you don't really understand. I assure you we'll always speak at a level which suits you so that we can enjoy a casual conversation. Also, we can go through words and sentences that are difficult so that we learn together. Perhaps, they will be easy then and we'll always have something to talk about. No stress!



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