A brief review and summary of the book by Douglas Emlen.


Hello everyone,

Read the summary of the book by Douglas Emlen posted in  this forum blog. Dough is an evolutionary biologist, who extended research into arms and armament evolution while studying the origin of weapons in varied natural species.
Existential risk deals primarily with the potential causes of human extinction or permanent global totalitarianism. Even if we bear in mind the potential risk of AI, nuclear warfare still stands tall as the sure-hit event toward a global catastrophic scenario. In this post, we'll look into the origin of battle(of any kind), how it progresses, the motivations involved, the measures available, and the possible end as we go through the book Animal Weapons: The Evolution of Battle.
This blog is a series of posts to be read in order. The language level is intermediate and easygoing. Drop a like (or superlike) on the part(s) that resonate the most. Let's put an end to all weapons and their Foolusers!
Check out this lesson if you like books...

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