Who should you ask for advice at work?


When a work-based problem arises it is very important to handle your needs and emotions professionally. If you are lucky the company you work for will have a system in place or better still a Human Resources (HR) department. Some large companies even have a Chef Advice officer (CAO). 

Who do you talk to when you are unhappy at work?

What are the possible pros and cons of sharing your problems with these people?
Do you know how to ask your boss or HR for advice?  

In a Business English Pre- Intermediate lesson you could learn how. 

In the meantime here is some useful vocabulary to practice and get familiar with. 

Have you ever had either of these concerns at work? 

What advice would you give them? Join me in a lesson to find out what the CAO said and if you agree or disagree. 

Lastly, here are some common expressions for giving advice. 

Have you heard or used any of these before?
Can you think of some other polite ways to give advice? 

Maybe you recognize the following as a conditional sentence structure:
If I were you, I would talk to HR about it. 

As well as conversational and Business English, I have grammar lessons available too. 

This is Part 2 of Workplace problems so keep an eye out for another instalment.

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