To decorate or not to decorate when away for Christmas.

周间主题: How do you decorate your home for the winter season?


This year I will visit my family in England for Christmas and New Year. I will stay with one of my brothers, my sister-in-law and their family. Who will you spend Christmas with? 

I don't know if I should decorate my home now despite not being here over the holidays or not bother. 
What do you think I should do?

Here are my pros and cons.

Decorations make the apartment feel more alive.
Decorations are fun and make me smile. 
Lights brighten up the room when the sun is low. 
Living in a warm climate makes it hard to feel Christmassy without decorations. 
Some of my friends will get to share them with me before I go away. 
Some lights on timers would make the apartment look occupied. 

The lights could be a fire hazard.
The lights would be using electricity.
Decorations collect dust. 
I don't own a Christmas tree. 
I would need to take down the decorations just days after I get back. 
A Christmas star plant might die while I'm away. 

The main key points from my pros and cons lists are that lights might not be safe to leave on as a deterrent to criminals and that it would be nice to make my home Christmassy because Christmas is a time for fun and sharing good times with friends. 

Last year, I put up lights and lots of small Scandinavian decorations around my very small living room.

Last September I bought a small Christmas Star, also called a Poinsette, which by December had grown nice and big. I didn't feel the need to buy a Christmas tree because I didn't really have room for one. Additionally, my friends had trees to share with me. 

In previous years I have enjoyed decorating my friend's real tree. 

Do you have a Christmas tree? is it real or plastic? 
Do you like decorating the tree or do you get stressed? 

This year I'm in a new apartment and don't have enough decorations. I didn't buy any plants and I don't even have a Christmas Tree. My living room is much bigger than before but I haven't decorated it or even bought a sofa. All my attention has been on painting and furnishing my bedroom. My only TV is in my bedroom. This is how unprepared for Christmas I am. 
I would love to know what you think I should do this year. 



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