Valentine's Day - Idiom missing word quiz!

每週主題: How do people celebrate the Valentine's Day in your country?

Dan H


Can you guess the missing word in these ten Valentine's Day themed idioms that are often used in English?

1) A match made in ...... = Two people who are perfect for each other.

2) Head over ..... = Totally in love with someone.

3) Love at ..... sight = When you fall in love with someone straight away.

4) An old ..... = An former boyfriend/girlfriend etc.

5) To .... and make up = To make things better after an argument.

6) To wear your heart on your ...... = To show your emotions

7) To tie the .... = To get married

8) The ..... of your eye = The person you care about the most

9) Love is ..... = When you love someone so much that you can't see their bad points

10) A love/.... relationship = When two people love each other but also argue all the time.

The answers are below.

Good luck!

1) A match made in heaven
2) Head over heels
3) Love at first sight
4) An old flame
5) To kiss and make up
6) To wear your heart on your sleeve
7) To tie the knot
8) The apple of your eye
9) Love is blind
10) A love/hate relationship

Photo by <a href="/photographer/n_yfe-38873">n_yfe</a> on <a href="/"></a>

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