Going out to a café and reading a book!

周间主题: Ways to practice self-care

Hannah N

I practice self-care in lots of different ways, my favourite way is probably by doing yoga! I do yoga every day if possible, even just 5 or 10 minutes can change your mood. Besides yoga, I think going out to a café can be a form of self-care. I love going for a walk outside, no matter what the weather's like. Then after walking for a bit, I head to my favourite café and sit there cosily with a book and a cup of tea or hot chocolate. Even if you're alone, sitting in a café with people around you can feel better rather than being at home. And it's a great way to make yourseld read or study as you'll probably be less distracted than at home!

If you enjoy reading, I have some book themed English lessons. We can read the news, Harry Potter, Roald Dahl or any other books you enjoy!

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英语   母语程度
中文   没有不通顺感
日语   日常会话程度
法语   日常会话程度
韩语   只能说一点


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