Almost vs ほとんど - Mistakes Japanese People Often Make in English

Dunya D

Hello! My name is ドゥーニャ and I'm an English teacher who is also a student of Japanese.

Today I’d like to discuss a common issue Japanese students make when speaking English!

I hope this article will help you understand the difference between the Japanese ほとんどand the English “almost”. 

How would you say ほとんどの友達はこの映画が好きでin English?

Some Japanese people would say: “Almost my friends like this movie”.

In English, this sounds wrong – “Almost my friends”.

Why “almost friends”? For a native speaker, this sounds like those people are not your friends yet, just acquaintances – something like 知り合いで、ほとんど友達です.

The correct answer is: “Almost ALL my friends like this movie.“

In English, “almost” always needs an additional word!

Almost all. Almost every day. Almost never. Almost five. Almost sweet. It’s almost time. I’m almost there. You almost understand!


Let’s see some more examples:


I spend almost ALL my time practicing.



Almost ALL books are old.


Sometimes, it’s very similar to Japanese. Just remember that “almost” always needs an additional explaining word:


That’s almost impossible.



These are almost the same.



I almost couldn’t work.



He almost NEVER comes.


To be honest, learning how to use ほとんどin Japanese was difficult for me! :)


If you're looking to practice English, check out my lessons!

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