I have always admired foreigners who dare to commute on Indonesia's public transportation unaccompa...
Bisa bedain nggak? (Can you tell the difference?)
My first paid job as an Indonesian tutor was teaching a young Chinese lady married to an Indonesian...
As far as I remember, my crush on apple pie has begun since my kindergarten days. Feeling my teeth ...
An Ancient Egyptian Summer Festival: A Tribute to the Nile!
August is a special month in Egypt, marked by a lively summer festival known as "Wafaa el-Nil" i...
Ray Roshdy
In this post I'd like to share the magical, traditional japanese wedding I had with my lovely wife ...
Johann Frick
Embracing Autumn Despite the Heat (Plus Book and Movie Recs)
I understand that in some regions in Japan, and other parts of the world as well, the weather is st...
Ray Roshdy
Mastering a language - learn from the successful people of the past
Recently, I’ve been diving into various books and resources about how famous people have mastered f...
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