~ My Christmas memory ... ~


I was asked to write a story about “My Christmas” for homework by one of my smart students ‘Ko’ ~ a young and very bright learner. So here we go...

I was seven at the time and can still remember being told by my mother to be a good boy and go to bed or Father Christmas would not come and deliver my present that night.

It was Christmas Eve and I remember going to bed at 9:00pm - staying up late in-hope of seeing Santa - but heavy-eyes got the better of me and I went to bed wishing that he would come that night, as there were only a few small presents under the tree.

My mother had left a glass of milk and some biscuits on the table next to the fireplace for Father Christmas to eat and drink after he had made his delivery ...

I woke up at 06:00 and ran downstairs to see that the milk was half-drunk and the biscuits all gone -> “Yes, Father Christmas came!”

Rushing into the living room, I could see a HUGE present under the tree -->> he knew I wanted a bicycle ~ that was amazing ~ my letter actually reached him!

I quickly ran to my mother’s room shouting, “Father Christmas came! HE CAME!!”

My mother said I had to wait until my brother was awake before I could open it, so I went to wake him up. He wasn’t very happy that I woke him at 06:05 but what did I care ~ I HAVE A BIKE!

Happy and buzzing with gratefulness, I tore off the paper and went for a ride outside on my new silver bike ~ I didn’t care that it was freezing cold and snowing, I had a new racing bicycle ~ YEAH!!

What memories do you have?


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