3 Months on CafeTalk!

Brian R.

Hey everyone! I got a message yesterday telling me that I have been on CafeTalk for 3 months today! I can't believe it has been that long! My "New" banner disapeared and I am getting flashbacks of my teaching experiences so far.

CafeTalk has been an amazing experience. All my students are unique and dedicated English learners. It has been a pleasure doing lessons with all of them :).

My students, the staff on CafeTalk and my fellow tutors have all been awesome, and I am excited for everything to come.

Thank you students for learning with me and for encouraging me and thank you staff and tutors on CafeTalk for your support and for helping make CafeTalk what it is.

Anyway, I am looking forward to having more great lessons sharing my passion for language with all of you. Have a great night/day and happy teaching/learning!

Brian R.


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タイ語   流暢
スペイン語   カタコト

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