10 amazing (and scientifically proven) benefits of practicing Yoga!


Yoga is becoming far more popular in today's day and age in both Eastern and Western cultures. Whilst initially being thought of in the West as a more 'girly' or 'soft' form of exercise with little benefit other than perhaps a bit of increased flexibility, as a yoga teacher myself, I'm glad to see that views are finally starting to change! 

Many people view yoga as simply a form of exercise, with little to no physical or mental benefits, and only for people who are too weak and introverted to do 'real' exercise. This idea is completely misinformed, and the scientific benefits of practicing this incredible system are endless.

Nowadays if you look at any sport at the top level you will find many athletes from all disciplines practicing yoga, as a means to improve core strength, keep themselves more centered, aid in recovery, or simply as a way to balance out all of the 'hard' training that they are doing and therefore reduce the chance of injury.

Here are 10 amazing reasons to start practicing yoga today!

A regular yoga practice has been shown to:

1. Increase flexibility

2. Prevent breakdown of your joints and cartilage

3. Strengthen your lymphatic system and boost immunity

4. Lower your blood pressure

5. Improve sleep quality

6. Release tensions in the body (even those you were unaware of!) 

7. Improve your posture

8. Reduce chronic pain

9. Improve your self esteem

10. Increase your happiness

Each of these benefits is scientifically verified, which takes the guesswork out of whether it is worth your time to practice yoga or not!

I will elaborate on each of the points in future weeks, as well as writing about the vast history and origins of this incredible system.

But for now - what are you waiting for?

Go out and find your nearest yoga class and start a practice that will have a profound effect on your life for years to come!

And for those of you who are already competent 'yogis' - take the time to enjoy your practice, and remind yourself of the numerous positive benefits this incredible system has on your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Have a lovely day everyone :)

I am a (Plant-Based) Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, and Nutrition Consultant, as well as a Certified English Teacher, offering online lessons via cafetalk.

I have competed in many events over my 10-year+ journey into health and fitness, including placing in the top 10 in Ultra Marathons up to 100 miles long, as well as numerous obstacle races, Martial Arts and a Muay Thai kickboxing bout.


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