SENDAI光(ひかり)のページェント Pageant of Starlight

Sakura mochi

こんにちは、にほんごtutor のSakura mochi です。ときどき、イベントなど、いろいろなことについて書(か)きたいと思(おも)います。「みんなの日本語(にほんご)初級(しょきゅう)Ⅱ」レベルの文法(ぶんぽう)と、英語(えいご)で書(か)きたいと思(おも)います。楽(たの)しんでください!

Hello, I’m Sakura mocha, a Japanese tutor. I’ll sometimes write essays about various topics such as events, etc. I try to write using Japanese grammar on a level of ‘Minna no Nihongo Elementary II and in English. I hope you have fun!







仙台(せんだい)では、この季節(きせつ)、カキやセリ鍋(なべ)がおいしくなります。目(め)もお腹(なか)も満足(まんぞく)できる季節(きせつ)です。ぜひ来(き)てください! (にほんごのみ)

'SENDAI Pageant of Starlight' started

Only a few weeks left this year. In my hometown Sendai, an event called ‘SENDAI Pageant of Starlight’ started.
Sendai has a nickname ‘City of Trees’. They say the word ‘trees’ means not a natural forest but ‘yashiki-rin’ (woods planted around a house or a shrine as a windbreak or to make use of their fruits). Lord Date Masamune who laid the foundation of the town more than 400 years ago recommended people to plant trees around their houses. So there were a lot of yashiki-rin in the town and the scenery was said to be the beginning of the nickname ‘City of Trees’.
There are very few yashiki-rin today. Instead, after the World War II keyaki (zelkova) trees were planted along Jozenji-dori and Aoba-dori Avenue in the center of the city. Especially on Jozenji-dori Ave. trees grow thick for a distance of 700m and form the landscape of today’s ‘City of Trees’.
‘SENDAI Pageant of Starlight’ is an event to decollate trees on Josenji-dori with light bulbs like a Christmas tree and make an illuminated street.
As most of trees have grown to a height of 20m, the scenery of illumination in the darkness is so fantastic. You can enjoy sculptures walking through the tunnel of lights. Beautiful ornaments of light are set up in Kotodai-park located at the eastern end of Jozenji-dori too.
Oysters and seri-nabe (a one-pot dish with Japanese parsley) are in season now in Sendai. All these things must satisfy both your eyes and taste. Please visit Sendai in this season. (only Japanese)

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  • Sakura mochi

    このイベントは、2017年(ねん)12月(がつ)31日(にち)で、終(お)わりました。また来年(らいねん)! This event has ended on December 31, 2017. I hope you come here next year!

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日语   母语程度
英语   没有不通顺感
德语   没有不通顺感
匈牙利语   只能说一点


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