Yoga / Qi Gong - For Healthy Eyes + Beautiful Face! STUDY


This new incredible study shows that practices similar to the one I am teaching can make middle aged women look 3 years younger on average!!!!

'The Independent' is a very highly regarded British newspaper, and so when I came across this study I was pleasantly surprised in one sense, but also happy to see this kind of practice finally getting some scientific validation!

I was recently dicsussing with a student of mine about the shift in people's attitudes in the west over the past 1000 years.

Initially when these systems were developed, people would rely on practices like Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong as part of their daily health practice. They would NOT need to read a scientific study to KNOW that this was a healthy way to look after their mind and body - they could simply feel the results and experience them firsthand!

Since this time as science and technology have improved we have moved away from these kinds of practices - thinking of them as 'woo woo' or nonsense. 

BUT - in the past 10-15 years in the west, practices like these are finally getting the scientific backing that they deserve! Yoga for instance is growing HUGELY in popularity and can be practiced in every part of the world today.

There are now over 10,000 peer reviewed scientific studies showing the health benefits of meditation!

In fact - my Tai Chi teacher in the UK (Nick Osipczak) has recently brought this art back to the west and increased it's popularity hugely, as he became the first (and ONLY) person to ever use Tai Chi (and win) as a professional fighter in mixed martial arts. He was already widely known around the world as a professional fighter in the UFC (mixed martial arts/cage fighting) but has seen a huge shift in his perspective in recent years. He now believes in the healing ability of Tai Chi and Yoga, and moved from London to a small village in Oxford, retiring from professional sports to focus on raising his family and to teach and heal the elderly through these powerful arts.

Please see his short documentary below if you get the chance. It is only around 2 minutes long and extremely fascinating in my view. I was the third person in the world to become qualified to teach this system under Nick, and still remain a private student of his.

So what are you waiting for?

Do we have to wait for scientific validation before we can embark on any new hobby in life?

Or instead do we just live in the moment - EXPERIENCING and FEELING for ourselves whether something is worth doing, just like people have done for millions of years before us.

'Do not simply take my word for it. You must go out in to the world and experience for yourself' - Ancient Taoist quote


I am a highly experienced professional English teacher, Yoga Instructor, Tai Chi teacher, Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer from London, UK. I recently left London to work and travel around Japan on a Working Holiday Visa with my best friend and longtime girlfriend Ashley (who is also a teacher on Cafetalk : ). We love sharing adventures travelling, teaching, exploring and understanding new cultures. We hope to speak with you soon!

If you would like to follow my travels on instagram, and see where we are in the world you can do so here: - My personal page

or - The travel page for my girlfriend and I

Please check out my lessons if you are interested in learning real, authentic British English, or have an interest in Yoga, healthy eating or general health and fitness.


Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a lesson at a time in which my schedule is not open. I will always do my best to accomodate every student.



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