Have you ever wanted.....


to run a marathon before?

Perhaps you just want to get out and get running for the first time.

Maybe you have a 5km or 10km race you are training for?

Whether you want to run for the first time, or are training for a 165km ultramarathon in the mountains - I am soon going to be offering programmes to help you achieve your goals via Cafetalk!

I will soon be offering the following services :

- Exercise programmes

- Nutrition Consultations and plans

- Endurance training plans - Running, Triathlon, Obstacle Course Racing (Spartan Race etc)

As a highly qualfied Advanced Personal Trainer from London, UK, I am happy to share my years of experience with you and help you achieve your goals!
Having competed in many sports over the years, including most recently Ultra marathon running, cbstacle course races (OCR) and triathlons I have personally seen how much happiness and joy is gained from training hard to achieve something and then finding success.

I would love for you all to be able to experience this!

No longer will you need to say 'I wish I could.....'

Why wish?
Lets make a it a reality!

I remember reading a book called 'Finding Ultra' many years ago, and deciding in my mind that I would love to run an ultra marathon one day. In this book the author competes in a 3 day event called 'Ultraman' which includes running, cycling and swimming. On the running day he must run around 80km, which I found incredible at the time and didn't know if it was even possible for me.

But instead of wishing and dreaming, I decided to set a goal for myself.
To run 161km (100miles) one day.

Less than three years later I completed my dream, and came 7th in my first ever 161km race. Less than two months later I completed my second 161km race, coming 4th and earning a beautiful golden buckle which I will treasure forever.

Dreaming about what you COULD achieve is great and can be highly motivational, but actually ACHIEVING it is even better.

Why wait until tomorrow?

Why not start today and create the life of your dreams!

Whether it is sports related (eg - run my first marathon) , academic related (eg - obtain a masters degree) or just a general life goal (eg visit and travel across China before I turn 60) you can make it happen. 

But only if you put in the effort.

No one else will do it for you. And simply talking about your goals and dreams is not enough.

'Words are nothing. Action is everything'

If you would like any help with achieving your dreams, please feel free to send me a message. I am always happy to help those who are willing to accept it. 

Have a magical day everyone, and remember - your dreams are only around the corner. 


I am a highly experienced professional English teacher, Yoga Instructor, Tai Chi teacher, Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer from London, UK. I recently left London to work and travel around Japan on a Working Holiday Visa with my best friend and longtime girlfriend Ashley (who is also a teacher on Cafetalk : https://cafetalk.com/tutors/profile/?id=54542&lang=en ). We love sharing adventures travelling, teaching, exploring and understanding new cultures. We hope to speak with you soon!

If you would like to follow my travels on instagram, and see where we are in the world you can do so here:

https://www.instagram.com/pb_fitness_zen_yoga/?hl=en - My personal page


https://www.instagram.com/thisnihonlife/ - The travel page for my girlfriend and I

Please check out my lessons if you are interested in learning real, authentic British English, or have an interest in Yoga, healthy eating or general health and fitness.


Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a lesson at a time in which my schedule is not open. I will always do my best to accomodate every student.


This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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