Congratulations for passing Eiken,first stage(written test)! This is a special lesson for Eiken preparation on the interview test(second stage from grade 5 to pre-first only).
This IELTS Lesson is for learners who will go to some universities and higher education, or apply for a workplace in UK, Australia and New Zealand to get the efficient score.
Here's a brand new English speaking lesson for higher-intermediate learners who want to keep on practicing English speaking skills! Why don't you join ?
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching! 英会話で出てくる、よく知られる動詞約27個+αと頻出単語をつかって、言いたいことを言えるようするために、動画も取り入れ、毎回少しずつトレーニングを行っていきます。7回完結編です。現地で使える、すぐに使える英会話表現の決定版。英会話の基本(土台Basic)は、これでマスター!