Greetings and Introductions

1,200 ポイント
Greet the students as they enter the classroom, and encourage them to respond in English. Use simple greetings and questions, such as "Hello, how are you today?" and "What's your name?" Review any previous lessons or vocabulary relat


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:Greet and introduce themselves and others in English.
Use basic polite expressions when meeting new people.Procedure:
1. Warm-up (10 minutes):
Greet the students as they enter the classroom, and encourage them to respond in English.
Use simple greetings and questions, such as "Hello, how are you today?" and "What's your name?"
Review any previous lessons or vocabulary related to greetings briefly.
2. Introduction to Vocabulary (10 minutes):
Present flashcards or visuals with common greetings and introductions, such as "Hello," "Hi," "How are you?" "What's your name?" "My name is [your name]."
Pronounce each phrase clearly and have students repeat after you.
Emphasize the importance of pronunciation and intonation in greetings.
3. Vocabulary Practice (15 minutes):
Provide handouts with dialogues that include greetings and introductions. For example:
Dialogue 1:
A: Hello!
B: Hi, I'm [Student A's name]. What's your name?
A: I'm [Student B's name]. Nice to meet you.
Read the dialogues aloud, and have students practice in pairs.
Encourage students to switch roles and practice both sides of the conversation.
4. Role-Play Activity (15 minutes):
Organize role-play activities where students can practice greeting and introducing themselves in different scenarios, such as meeting a new classmate or a teacher.
Provide a few scenarios or prompts on the whiteboard to help guide their conversations.
Walk around the classroom, observe their interactions, and provide feedback and guidance as needed.
5. Writing Exercise (5 minutes):
Ask students to write a short paragraph introducing themselves, including their name, age, and where they are from.
Encourage them to use the phrases they learned in the lesson.
Collect and review these paragraphs for any common errors to address in future lessons.
6. Review and Homework Assignment (5 minutes):
Quickly review the greetings and introductions learned during the lesson.
Assign homework, such as writing a greeting card in English or practicing introductions with family members or friends at home.
7. Closing (5 minutes):
Thank the students for their participation and effort.
Remind them to practice greetings and introductions in their daily lives.
Announce the topic or theme of the next lesson, building on the language skills learned in this lesson.
Homework Assignment:
Instruct students to greet and introduce themselves to at least three people in English outside of the classroom. They can do this with family members, friends, or even strangers in a friendly context.
This beginner ESL lesson plan on greetings and introductions provides students with essential language skills for communication in everyday situations. As students progress, you can introduce more complex introductions and expand their vocabulary further.


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