Maja Let's talk about my home country - Serbia
直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前

Let's talk about my home country - Serbia

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A lesson for anyone who would like to get to know Serbia, a country that lies at the crossroads of Southeast and central Europe, a land of long history, delicious cuisine and great cultural and linguistic heritage


Did you know that the word "vampire" is said to have entered western languages from the Serbian word "vampir" in the early 18th century? How about the fact that there are only about 7 million people living in Serbia? Or that standard Serbian uses both Latin and Cyrillic script (check out the photo below, this is how we write the Serbian word for "a bat" using Cyrillic script; looks funny, right?).

Serbia is a country of folklore, myths and legends! You will learn about mythical creatures and stories from the days of yore that have been passed on from one generation to another! What happened in the Devil's Town that earned it its infamous name? What mythical creature will haunt your house if you leave your unwashed dishes in the sink overnight?

Serbia is also a country of good food and strong alcohol! Serbs are big on celebrations, feasts and holidays! We do celebrate Christmas, but not on December 25th! Do you know what day Serbian Christamas falls on? How about Serbian New Year's Eve?

Leran this and many more interesting things about a small, yet remarkable country, which has changed its name 6 times between 1918 and 2003!

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