Friends & Family

1,400 ポイント
Let's enjoy talking about many topics related to the people in your life.


Let's talk about the important people in your life. You can tell me all about the people in your family and/or your friends who are special to you. We can talk about so many topics related to these people.
Example topics we may discuss could include:
For Beginner learners:
-Who are the people in your family?
-What are their ages? 
-Do they work or study?
-Where do they live?
-What are some of their favorite things?
-What do you like to do together?

For Intermediate/Advanced learners:
-Tell me about your family members' or friends' appearance. Who do you look the most and least alike?
-Tell me about your family members' and friends' different personalities. Who are you most similar to? Who are you really different from?
-How did you meet these people?
-What do you most love to do with these people when you all have free time together?
-What future plans do you have with these people?

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