Thijs Peter van Rossum Learn basic English with a certified teacher!

Learn basic English with a certified teacher!

800 ポイント
An English 'free talk' conversation class to practice your vocabulary, pronunciation, listening or reading!


You should read this if you want to learn English in a fun and effective way!

In this conversational free talk, we will discuss things that you are interested in. During this class, I will help you improve your English pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and all other skills you want to improve. Since we will discuss only things that are in your interest, you will definitely enjoy the class!

As a certified teacher, I can teach all levels of English proficiency; from simple small talk, up to complex topic related conversations. 

During all classes, I will keep track of your record, to provide you with live personal feedback. In this way, we can find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, and make the most out of your classes.

Of course, this class is more than just a thirty-minute session. After we finish our session you can always contact me with questions or concerns that you need help with!

If you are still not sure, we can always have a free trial session of 10 minutes to get to know each other!

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。

