Invest like Warren Buffett, have financial freedom
What you will get out of this course that you cannot get on YouTube?
First of all, because I have had the passion for value investing for the past 20 years and I have done my research on the topic, it means you do not have to.
We will look at Warren Buffett´s investment holding company Berkshire Hathaway and we will go through basic psychology of investing from the book Intelligent Investor. Rest assured that no prior knowledge of investing is necessary. The most important thing is that you are intersted in the subject and that you want to know more.
Why will the lessons about Value investing be benefitial to you?
The wealth of Warren Buffett is enourmous and so that you can imagine it better, Warren Buffett has made 2,5 million USD every day he walked or even crawled on the ground when he was a baby. The man must have done many things right, so why not learn from him and reach financial freedom.
How will we proceed during the lessons?
We will together look at Warren Buffett´s letters to shareholders, which are enjoyable read and we will select the most important parts so that you understand how the man thinks. We will also look at his most important words and we will look at how making similar or the same investments can give you financial freedom.
What is the next step?
Just find 25 minutes in your busy schedule and book a lesson with me, which can be one of the best returns on investment that you have ever made.
First of all, because I have had the passion for value investing for the past 20 years and I have done my research on the topic, it means you do not have to.
We will look at Warren Buffett´s investment holding company Berkshire Hathaway and we will go through basic psychology of investing from the book Intelligent Investor. Rest assured that no prior knowledge of investing is necessary. The most important thing is that you are intersted in the subject and that you want to know more.
Why will the lessons about Value investing be benefitial to you?
The wealth of Warren Buffett is enourmous and so that you can imagine it better, Warren Buffett has made 2,5 million USD every day he walked or even crawled on the ground when he was a baby. The man must have done many things right, so why not learn from him and reach financial freedom.
How will we proceed during the lessons?
We will together look at Warren Buffett´s letters to shareholders, which are enjoyable read and we will select the most important parts so that you understand how the man thinks. We will also look at his most important words and we will look at how making similar or the same investments can give you financial freedom.
What is the next step?
Just find 25 minutes in your busy schedule and book a lesson with me, which can be one of the best returns on investment that you have ever made.
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Productivity, productivity, productivity
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