Advanced English Grammar

40 分鐘
For students looking to progress their English beyond intermediate level


Course Description:

Welcome to Advanced English Grammar in Use, a comprehensive course designed to elevate your proficiency in English grammar to an advanced level. Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in previous grammar courses, this program will delve into intricate grammar concepts and nuanced usage rules essential for mastering the complexities of the English language. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a professional communicator, or an academic scholar, this course will equip you with the advanced grammar skills necessary to excel in diverse linguistic contexts.

Throughout this course, you will engage in rigorous study, analysis, and application of advanced grammar concepts through a combination of in-depth lessons, challenging exercises, and immersive practice activities. From complex sentence structures to subtle grammatical nuances, you will develop a deep understanding of English grammar that will enhance your ability to express yourself with precision and sophistication.

Key topics covered in this course include:

  1. Advanced Sentence Structures: Explore complex sentence constructions, including compound-complex sentences, embedded clauses, and varied sentence patterns, to enhance sentence fluency and coherence.

  2. Subjunctive Mood and Conditional Sentences: Delve into the usage of the subjunctive mood and master the intricacies of conditional sentences, including unreal conditionals and mixed conditionals, to express hypothetical situations with accuracy.

  3. Reported Speech and Direct/Indirect Speech: Learn the rules and conventions for transforming direct speech into reported speech, and vice versa, while maintaining clarity and fidelity to the original message.

  4. Relative Clauses and Relative Pronouns: Investigate the functions of relative clauses and their role in providing additional information about nouns, and practice using relative pronouns (such as who, whom, whose, which, and that) effectively.

  5. Verb Patterns and Complex Verb Forms: Study advanced verb patterns, including gerunds, infinitives, participial phrases, and phrasal verbs, to master complex verb usage and convey precise meanings.

  6. Idiomatic Expressions and Collocations: Expand your knowledge of idiomatic expressions and collocations, and learn how to incorporate them into your speech and writing to achieve native-like fluency and authenticity.

  7. Stylistic Variation and Register: Explore stylistic variation in language use, including formal vs. informal language, academic vs. colloquial registers, and regional dialects, to adapt your language appropriately to different contexts and audiences.

  8. Error Correction and Revision Strategies: Hone your proofreading and editing skills through error analysis exercises and revision strategies, enabling you to identify and correct grammatical errors effectively in your own writing and speech.



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Amanda Thompson


週一 22:00 週二 08:00
週二 22:00 週三 08:00
週三 22:00 週四 08:00
週四 22:00 週五 08:00
週五 22:00 週六 08:00
週六 22:00 週日 08:00
※ 以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。
Advanced English Grammar
40 分鐘
1,300 點

Amanda Thompson

