Yuki.N Coaching in English Study Methods
上次授课:超过 1 个月前

Coaching in English Study Methods

25 分钟 X 5
5 堂课程包
每堂 1,780 点
Is there such thing as an easy way to study English? Actually, there is! If you’re finding that you’re not improving, let’s find the hole in your study methods and get you on your way!


此为 5 堂课程的课程包。当讲师确定第 1 堂课程预约后,另外 4 堂将会以优惠券的形式自动发送供之后预约使用。请注意,课程包优惠券使用期限为第 1 堂课程时间后的 60 天内

课程应按时间顺序预约,即第 2 堂课程的时间应在第 1 堂之后。以此类推。


Get a full on personalized English level analysis! I will check your English study history with a comprehensive survey, then I will check your grammar comprehension and speaking skills and give you advice on how to improve. I will introduce you to can’t-miss training methods and practical exercises. If you’re struggling with your current English study methods or have been studying English for many years and don’t seem to improve, I definitely recommend this course!

【Main Progression】
*This coaching course usually takes about 4 to 5 Skype sessions to complete.

① Fill Out and Send English Studies Survey and Grammar Checklist (No Skype)
② Speaking Level Check and Reviewing the Survey Answers (Skype Session)
③ English Level Results and Advice on How to Study From Now On (Skype Session)
④ Explanation of Training Methods (Skype Session)
⑤ Practical Training Exercises (Skype Session)

Detailed Explanation of the Coaching Course

① Fill Out and Send English Studies Survey and Grammar Checklist (No Skype)
Once the lesson is confirmed, I will send you the survey and the checklist. Please fill it out and send it back to me. The survey is about how much English you have used and studied up until now. The grammar checklist will calculate your degree of comprehension.

② Speaking Level Check and Reviewing the Survey Answers (Skype Session)
I will have you chat freely and describe pictures in order to get a grasp of your speaking level. After then, I will check the contents of your survey.

③ English Level Results and Advice on How to Study From Now On (Skype Session)
I will give you the results based on your survey, grammar check, and speaking level check and find the hole in your current study methods. Then I will give you advice and help you create a study plan.

④ Explanation of Training Methods (Skype Session)
Information on how to improve your English with explanations on my training methods through my specialized blog.

⑤ Practical Training Exercises (Skype Session)
Put the training methods you learned into practice!

*The information about coaching and my training methods is summarized on my specialized blog. Once you complete this course, I will send you the address and password to my blog so that you can look back on it when you have time. 

English Translation: 12/30/2014 - The Cafetalk Team



• 「未开始」的课程包(1)随时可以取消。取消后点数将全额退还。
(1) 「未开始」係指课程包尚未经讲师确定。
(2) 「进行中」係指课程包中已有一堂课程经确定。(当讲师确定第一堂课程预约后,系统将自动發送课程包剩馀课程的优惠券供之后预约使用。)


• 若欲取消单堂课程包课程而非整个课程包,请至该课程预约详细页面取消。取消费依讲师的一般课程取消政策而定,但「收取 50% 课程费用为取消费」将不适用。课程包优惠券仅可能返还或抵用。


  • 随时可以取消。


  • 课程时间前 2 小时內→ 收取 100% 课程费用为取消费。
  • 课程时间前 24~2 小时→ 收取 50% 课程费用为取消费。
  • 缺席→ 收取 100% 课程费用为取消费。




周一 07:30   08:00
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周二 07:30   08:30
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周三 13:30   14:30
周四 08:00   08:30
周四 10:00   11:30
周五 09:00   09:30
周五 10:00   11:30
周五 13:00   13:30
周五 14:30   15:00
※ 以上为 Asia/Tokyo 时间。
Coaching in English Study Methods
25 分钟
8,900 点
5 堂课程包


