This is a free educational counseling for children who mainly study at home, people who have already graduated from school or working adults who want to relearn, as well as those who have trouble improving their test scores.
勉強や学習に関する質問&雑談箱です。 こちらでいただいたご質問と雑談の中では講師コラムや自身サイト「students」にて掲載させていだくこともあります。勉強について気軽にお話する場として使ってください。※必ず返信できるとは限りません。
Let's work on that English home-work together!
This is an orientation session for first-time students. Let's check your English level, talk about your goals and decide which of my lessons is a good fit for you!
Let me proofread and correct your written academic work of up to 1000 words.
You will be able to decide on a particular field of interest with a wide range of options and path descriptions.
Nagtuturo ako sa mga student sa Japan sa wikang Tagalog.
来日ブラジル人学生(小・中・高・大)向けの総合的なガイダンス (Orientação abrangente para estudantes brasileiros (ensino fundamental, médio, médio, universitário) que vêm ao Japão.)
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →
John Nanakamado
Ayumi H
Mary Q
Vicky B
Richard Evans
Saki sensei
Greg T
Emma D
Masatomo Takaoka