Cafetalk Ranking

Last Updated At: 11 月 22 日 (Updated every other Friday!)


Ranking Category Other Music
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

【Profile】 I'm involved with Yoko Ishida, Suara and other artist support, video game music, TV commercials, J League Shonan Bellmare' player entrance m

Ranking Category IT & Programming
Feedback Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hello. My name is Mitsuyo Inoue. It is a pleasure to meet you! I started playing classical piano at the age of 2. After studying vocal performance at

Ranking Category Korean
New Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

★韓国語未経験の方、初心者の方、初級者の方専用の日本語によるレッスンです。(My lessons are only conducted in Japanese, so I cannot give lessons in English or Korean.) ゚+.☆自己紹介☆゚+. 名前:aimy出

Ranking Category Italian
Feedback Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Buongiono a tutti!I have been working as a Japanese-Italian translator and interpreter in Italy for over 20 years. I have passed Level 1 of the Itali

Ranking Category Piano
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

【2024年11月新規開講】現役ピアニスト講師による分かりやすく丁寧なレッスン★初心者の方・小さなお子様〜大人の方まで皆様の音楽ライフをサポートいたします♩初めまして!Hono pianoです♪私は日本の音楽大学院を卒業後、ハンガリー民族音楽やハンガリー出身の音楽達の魅力に惹かれてハンガリーへの留学

Ranking Category Spirituality
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

I have studied spirituality with respected teachers in England, Japan, and overseas, and will mainly share messages from the spirit world. I try to gi

Ranking Category Kids
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

(Please scroll down below to see my illustration-related lesson introduction✨)I am Yumi, a professional singer in Scandinavia and have been teaching

Ranking Category Counseling
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hello everyone♬ My name is Yuka ♪ I have been working as an herbalist for about 10 years now, and I am a JAMHA (Japan Medical Herb Association) certi

Ranking Category German
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hello, my name is Mihoko Mueller. I am a Japanese teacher with over 15 years of experience.  I live together with my husband in Switzerland. Immediate

Ranking Category Other
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hello, everyone this is Uta-tomo.I am a soprano singer,I belong to Nikikai opera company.I have 15years experience as a Vocal coach.If you'd like to

Ranking Category Japanese
New Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

*Special pricing available until December 31st, 2024!   Nice to meet you.   My name is Kai.   I taught Japanese in a Japanese school fo

Ranking Category Japanese
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hello everyone. My name is Miki.Kw, and I am a Japanese language teacher. 【About Myself】I am from Osaka, Japan. I am married to my Taiwanese husband

Ranking Category Music for Kids
Feedback Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Nice to meet you!My name is『Suzuki』and I'm a music teacher. I've been teaching music for more than 20 years.I mainly teach『children's songs』,『vocal』,a

Ranking Category Dance & Ballet
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

HI! My name is Satoyo.I was born and raised in Osaka Japan, which makes me proud to call myself a Kansai-jin. I am an active belly dancer, and also a

Ranking Category Japanese
Feedback Rankings
De: Taiwan En: Taiwan

Hello everyone! Do you like Taiwan? Would you like to travel to Taiwan? Nice to meet you, I am Mia from Taiwan. I worked as a fitness trainer in a gy

Ranking Category Korean
New Tutor Rankings
De: South Korea En: South Korea

Hello. My name is Gwon Jiyeong. I was born in South Korea and lived in Seoul throughout my college years. (I speak with a standard Korean accent.)   I

Ranking Category Japanese
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

Hi, I’m Rena. I’m from Osaka.   I love studying foreign languages and talking with foreigners.   And I like studying languages with watching videos i

Ranking Category Other Languages
Trending Tutor Rankings
De: Vietnam En: Vietnam

Hey everyone! I'm Hue, and I can't wait to welcome you to my world of language learning! Get ready to join me in the excitement of teaching online, wh

Ranking Category Piano
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan

みなさん、はじめまして!ピアノ講師のAikoです。 こちらでは通常のピアノレッスンに加え、ピアノ練習サポート、合唱指揮・指導・伴奏レッスン、コンクール・受験対策レッスンなど、目的別に選べるコースをご用意しております。   私は神戸女学院大学音楽学部を卒業および同大学大学院修士課程を修了したのちオース

Ranking Category Counseling
Most Repeated Rankings
De: Japan En: Japan


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