레슨 검색

모든 언어
최저 수강료


최대 수강료

강사의 출신국
강사의 거주국
레슨 옵션
강사의 성별
신규 학생 접수 상황

어워드 코멘트 2024년 상반기 카페토크 어워드 →

The teaching style is interesting and the feedback after class is substantial.
She gave me a lot of information about St. Patrick’s day with beautiful presentation materials. Thanks to her, I got to know more about the festival and the culture of Ireland.
Ms. Lisa has a bunch of collection of books and offers a good book to read. Her professional lesson makes my child's reading skills better.
I enjoy the vibe during the session a lot. I can learn a lot of British cultural knowledge from her lecture. Aside from that, we also can discuss some of issues regarding psychology, education, and so on to broaden my horizons.
文章を読みながら、発音練習、英語->日本語への変換、 文章を読んだ後は、ディスカッションで会話の練習もできる素敵なレッスンの提供ありがとうございます。 文章も、自分の興味のある題材を選ばせてもらえるので、楽しく英語の勉強ができます。 苦手意識の強かった英語ですが、先生のおかげで英語も楽しいな、と思えるようになりました。
ちょっと気分が凹んで誰かに聞いてほしい時、 ただ単に雑談がしたい時、 どんな時でも、Meg先生は優しく対応してくれるので、ありがたいです(^^♪
I always look forward to his lessons. He teaches me not only the language but also cultures and customs that I didn't khow before. That is very new to me.
私が理想とする探していた先生。子どももレッスンを楽しみにしています。 レッスン内容もオリジナルでしっかり作られています。 親とも子どもともちゃんとやりとりしていただいています。
검색 결과: 1 레슨
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Free talk - Portuguese - no grammar feedback.

25  X 2
1,600P (1회당 800포인트)

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