General Notices from Tutor Vicky B

Bonfire Night(焚火の夜)

Dienstag, 1. November 2022, 10:22

 Have you ever heard of Bonfire Night? 

Bonfire Night(焚火の夜)をご存じですか。


It’s a UK celebration that takes place every year on November 5th.



It’s also called Guy Fawkes’ Night.



People celebrate by letting off fireworks and building large fires called “bonfires”. When I was a kid I used to enjoy lighting sparklers.



Find out more about Bonfire Night and other UK festivals by taking my special lesson “Special Days in the UK”.

Bonfire Nightやその他のイギリスのお祭りについてもっと知りたい方は、私の特別レッスン「イギリスの祭日」を受講してみてください。


Lesson: Special Days in the U.K.
Price: 1500 Points
Length: 25
Trial Minutes:


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