Shezel 강사 공지사항

You have a new coupon! - September Coupon!

2024년 9월 23일

Coupon Name: September Coupon!
Code: 2458b4d6
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Sep 23, 2024 ~ Oct 23, 2024
(GMT+08:00 Manila)
Unlock the power of English with engaging activities designed to enhance your skills:

Expand Your Vocabulary: Explore interesting news articles to learn new words, phrasal verbs, and expressions related to health and lifestyle.

Reading and Comprehension: Practice reading and discussing various topics to improve your understanding and critical thinking.

Interactive Games: Enjoy a fun Q&A game to boost your spoken English and fluency.

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