Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Olga Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Olga, could you give us a short self-introduction?

A. I was born in Russia and I have graduated a school there, after what I moved to Italy. Now I live in Milan and study engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan. In future I would like to create robots!

Q.According to your profile, you’re living in Italy. Could you tell me about your current city?

A.Milan is the second populous city in Italy, and it is an industrial capital of Italy. Students from all the world come here for studying architecture, art, opera and fashion. Here you can find a lot of ancient palaces like Castello Sforzesco, which was built in 15th century.Even though Milan is located in one of the most urbanised regions of Italy, it’s surrounded by a belt of green areas and features numerous gardens even in its very centre. Every year it is visited by millions of tourists. And finally EXPO 2015 will be hosted by Milan.

Q. Do you find any similarity or difference between Russia and Italy?

A. I find more similarity than difference between them, as these are both European countries. I think Italians are more conservative if we talk about cuisine, while in Russia we eat absolutely everything. And, well, maybe football is not so popular in Russia as in Italy.

Q. You can speak Russian, Italian, English and Japanese! Could you tell me how to learn multiple languages?

A. Learning languages has become my lifestyle. As I moved to Italy I had no choice but study Italian, at the same time I realized my interest for Japanese language. When you study a foreign language you also learn something about another culture which helps you understand another people. Recently I started learning Chinese so it will be my 5th language, but not the last one as I am going become a polyglot.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A.I like singing, even if I’m not actually good at it :D Also I like taking pictures and one day I would like to organize a photo exhibition. I also have took some origami lessons. Never thought that just with a piece of paper you can create something amazing!

Q. What is the main feature of your Russian lessons?

A.I try not to focus only on textbook, but also use different resources for teaching, trying to satisfy the needs of each student. Seeing people who has interest in Russian inspires me and I have a pleasure teaching them.

Q. Finally, is there anything you would like to share with our students?

A.Don’t feel scared if you still don’t speak after two lessons. When you just start learning a language it might seem boring, because we learn basic things, but when you accumulate all these knowledges with the time, you will realize that you have learnt and mastered so many things. Same happens to me, so I know what any of you feel, that’s why I am here to help you!



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