聽聽講師分享!2023 上半年獲得的小小成就感! 
					聽聽講師分享!2023 上半年獲得的小小成就感!

2023 上半年獲得的小小成就感!

這次聽了許多講師分享在 2023 上半年達成的目標、挑戰和正在進行中的計畫!原來講師除了上課也有新事物要挑戰呀!我也要加油⋯在下半年上 100 堂課程!

此問卷於 2023 年 5 月開始統計,截至目前已獲得 40 位講師回覆。歡迎在這裡尋找喜歡的講師預約課程!

  • Earlier this month I took part in an event called Yamathon where, with some friends, we walked along the Yamanote line from Shinjuku to Shinjuku, for a total of almost 40 km in almost 10h.

    Julien R.-K.
  • I completed a four-day training in Emotionally Focused Therapy.

    Lizzie H
  • カフェトークでは氣功を教えています。今年達成したことは以下です。

  • カフェトークを始めておよそ18ヶ月で650レッスンを経過しています。私が得意としているのはリクエストに対して即興で即答すると言う形式です。担当は世界史、日本文化、能楽、カウンセリング、コンピュータースキルなどです。

  • こんな資格を取りました!
    1 ロンドン大学(イギリス)
    To All,
    I’m pleased to let you know I have given a Certificate of Global Education for Teachers by University College of London. This is a great honor. Thank you.
    2 ディーキン大学(オーストラリア)プロフェッショナル•レジリエンス:仕事の成功法コース修了(May.8,2023)
    To All, I’m pleased to let you know I have given a Certificate of Professional Resilience by Deakin University in Australia. This is a great honor. Thank you.

    Teacher Asuka
  • スペイン語学習連続、1200日を4月12日に達成し、今も更新中です。生徒さんに教えるばかりでなく、自分も言語学習をしてその大変さを日々感じてます。色々な言語に触れることによって言語間の違いが分かって面白いです。

    Keiko Davy
  • I helped one of my students achieve First place in an English Speech Contest.

  • I have completed 50% of a 150 hour TESOL certification program, and am still working on it.
    Am teaching three subjects in my school this year: Creative Writing, IELTS, and Reading and Writing.
    Have received seven professional development certificates this year regarding TESL.
    Have studied and improved my skills at playing chess, and am now the ""Chess Club"" teacher at my school.
    Have expanded my collection in Magic: The Gathering and Flesh and Blood cards, as well as competing in tournaments.
    Am currently taking a creative writing course to expand my knowledge and gain practice.

  • 私は、お菓子のレッスンをしています。今までは、小麦粉やバターなどを使った普通のフランス菓子のレッスンを提供していましたが、生徒さんから、「小麦粉やバターを使わないヘルシーなお菓子を習いたいです」というリクエストをいただきました。早速、米粉やこめ油、ごま油などを使って試作したのですが、材料が違うと、分量や作り方、焼き時間などが違うことに気づきました。私、可愛い生徒さんのために、頑張って、米粉を使ったスイーツのレシピを仕上げましたー♪

  • 10か国語での耳コピ+ピアノ弾き語りに取り組んでいます。ヒンディ、ロシア語、韓国語、中国語、ドイツ語、フランス語、スペイン語、タイ語、ヘブライ語と英語、ライフワークである多言語学習を通じ、ここ数年に出会った大好きな楽曲に1つ1つ、発音の美しさやピアノとのバランス、アレンジなどに工夫をしつつ丁寧に、こつこつと向き合っています。毎年11月に音楽イベントがあるので、それに向けての企画です。

    Joan EY
  • I run a NPO called Be the BEST version of YOURSELF. We climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, putting our lives at risk together with five Deaf climbers, making their dreams come true as well. Our goal was to raise funds and give the gift of hearing to children born Deaf. We were able to gift two children (age 7 an d15 years) with hearing aids, allowing them to live a normal life. We now have workshops where we bring Deaf and Hearing people together, to start socialising and learning each others culture. I achieved this after having a bad experience with covid-19, almost losing my life and then followed by a mild heart attack. I now have three stents in me but was still able to achieve my goal. This is important to students as whatever goal they are going after, they must not give up.

    Nolan Pillay
  • 2023年1月1日から人権擁護委員になりました。市町村から候補者として声が掛かり、履歴書を出し議会に承認されたら法務局へ推薦され、検討後、法務大臣から委嘱されます。

  • TOEIC満点を目指していて、まずはリスニング満点945点を取る事ができました。リーディングをもう少し頑張って、2023年の残りで真の満点990を目指したいです。

  • Also as a tutor, I recently helped my student from Mexico City pass his Project Management Professional Exam with PMI Institute

  • Regarding my main achievements during the first half of the year, there are several, but one of my biggest goals is to succeed in writing my novels and essays in Japanese, as my dream is to publish books in Japan someday.
    Therefore, I recently started writing on the Kakuyomu platform:
    The challenge is significant, but I am working hard and practicing every day to make my dream come true.
    Literature is an incredibly important part of my life. My grandmother once told me that literature allows the soul to exist eternally in the world of the living. I really love that idea.
    Furthermore, one of the commitments of my life is undoubtedly to support my students and see them succeed. This commitment is so strong that I have made Cafetalk my main occupation, teaching there most of my time. It is a pleasure for me and a chance to interact with wonderful people like my students. I deeply love my work, which is my greatest passion alongside literature.

    Professeur Nico
  • 1. I traveled to places by bike (and by walking) long distances, and 2. I am working on a special project ---I am writing children’s short stories. Thank you.

    Lydia Mendivil
  • I started working on a subtitling project for NHK World, the international channel of the public broadcasting service in Japan. I translate and supervise the Spanish subtitles for two programs: Japanology Plus and Cooking with the Chef.

  • My accomplishments in first half of 2023
    1. Helped my student learn the tools to sing properly and have good diction and pronunciation to win 1st place in Japan National English vocal competition in Osaka ( For photos — the student would need to be contacted )
    2. I am participating in Canadian project of a virtual choir — participating as an Alto singer with the recording/ collaboration to date 5 songs— currently preparing the 6th for June 2023.
    3. I am in the process of starting a new project collaborating/ developing with another Canadian musician — on some song writing projects
    4. To help find great books for learning I read many books — about 150 so far this year ( I participate in 3 books clubs with family, friends in Canada as well as Kanagawa bookclub) — I have also started writing a column of book recommendations for the Journal for The Association for Foreign wives of Japanese- I also volunteer at this association to run their bookclub.
    5. With —The Association for Foreign wives of Japanese - ( which has about 500 members) — I have also started running Murder mystery game nights and writing about them for their journal as well as writing a column on Camping around Japan— which is mine and my husbands hobby .

  • Hello! :-) My name is Elza B. And my achievement for this first half of the year is: Cafétalk. Fueled by the inspiration of my students, and also by my love of contemporary Japanese literature, I prepared a 2-week travel to Japan as a solo traveller. I love my students and they also love me because when I told them that I will travel to Japan, they all offered to meet me in their cities. It was very kind and nice experience, and I even met some of my students that I used to teach years ago! It was really-really nice! Another achievement was that even though I’m not good at reading maps and so, I never got lost in Japan. It was a wonderful trip with full of happy memories, but my best treasure and take-away from this trip was the precious time I could spend with my students, too. They were also happy to practice English / Hungarian with me in real life! :-) It encouraged me to take up some Japanese lessons and plan to acquire Japanese!
    My hobby is to write. The coming month, there is going to be an anthology of Bangkok Women Writers, and one of my short stories will be published there! This is a huge achievement for me, as this is the first time something I wrote in English will be ever published! I hope this will open new doors for me and it definitely encourages me to finish my first written novel and hopefully self-publish it later this year! :-)

    Elza B
  • この上半期はタイのチュラロンコン大学のタイ語コースで学び、先月修了しました。今年の上半期は毎日朝から晩までタイ語を勉強してきました。来月はタイ語検定準2級に挑戦します!

  • まだ日は浅いのですが懐かしのラジオ体操を毎朝行っているのがプチ自慢です。なぜか家族も乗り気で一緒に体操をしてくれて、嬉しい誤算です。

  • I’ve discovered this amazing platform where I started teaching Spanish and it’s definitely my proud achievement because I don’t have any formal education with this language, just self-taught and a month I have spent in Spain working as an au pair.

    Isco Sensei
  • I worked as the colourist on an illustrated children’s book published by Penguin, Random House. As a child most of my own books were published by penguin publishers so this was an exciting achievement for me! The book is actually a foreign language book, it’s written in Afrikaans!

    Sinead Turnham
  • * Received my TEFL/TESOL Certification this year.
    *Started teaching Math online
    * Ranked 5th on the list of Trending Academic Tutors this May on Cafetalk.
    *Currently learning Korean
    * Enrolled in an online module by Oxford University.
    *One of my students found a job while another received a promotion at work.
    *Helped so many students feel confident about their abilities.

    Tutor Mercy
  • Our goal as teachers is to help students with their goals. The effort of lesson planning is paid off when parents appreciate us. As an academic tutor, one of my achievements is when I receive emails from my students’ parents saying that their kids improved their grades in Math, or they have attained a certain rating in examinations.

  • 2023/5/13、ドイツデュッセルドルフで開催されたヨーロッパ最大の日本のフェスにて、初めての書道パフォーマンスを成し遂げました!来場者は60万人、キー局のテレビの放映もある前の舞台上を一人で全うしたので、心臓が飛び出そうなほど緊張しました。音楽や一貫のパフォーマンスも考えたのですが、後から動画を見て反省してます。次回はきっと更によくなるはずです(^^)それでも頑張った自分を褒めてます。

  • 改訂版キクタン中国語【中級編】中検2級を3周終わりました!ただいま4周めに入ります。10周まで頑張ります。

  • デジタルアート部門

  • After many years of hard work, I finally became a licensed teacher in the martial art of Ninjutsu. I have been practicing it since I was 16 years old. It is beyond belief that I was able to achieve this. I must add that I have Muscular Dystrophy.

  • 今よりもさらに内容の充実したレッスンをご提供するために、あるヴォイストレーニングメソッドの資格取得に向けて勉強をしているところです。

  • 2年生のSくんは、年長さんから「毎週欠かさず週2回」20分レッスン+宿題を頑張ってます。

    Chie T
  • I am a new tutor here. So, the accomplishment for me would be the fact that I took a step forward towards my dream of helping people learn English! I am still working on getting students, but I hope to connect with many students in the future

  • 今年はラフマニノフ生誕150周年です。記念年にちなんで、ピアノソロ曲全曲制覇プロジェクト実施中です!youtubeで公開もしたいですが、こちらで定期的に発表できるといいなと思っています。(カフェトークご担当者様、配信をご検討して頂けると嬉しいです!)

  • - In April I celebrated a one-year journey in Cafetalk. This year has been full of kind students, fun and meaningful lessons. I am proud and happy that I am still giving my best and enjoying every meeting as much as when I started.
    - Also people have different reasons to learn Finnish/Finnish culture, I am proud that I have been able to tailor the lessons to the most suitable for the student’s needs.
    - I have proudly shared information about Finland and brought Finland a little bit closer to the people abroad. Happy to see many have also been inspired to travel to Finland!
    - I have managed to increase my Japanese language skills by learning actively, currently confident at the N5 level. And putting it to the test in the near future. Aiming for N4 now!
    - I pursued my dream and lived in Japan for 1,5 months this year! What an adventure it was. I also understand now the cultural aspect of Japan which helps me to relate better to Japanese culture. Traveled to many places and tasted every day something new food!
    - I have kept up with my sport routine! Working in the office/by the computer can be bad for your body so 60 minutes of physical activity every day have helped a lot!
    - Currently my main project, outside of work, is to research moving opportunities in Japan. After spending there some time I am certain that I would like to live and work there in the near future. For me that requires lots of learning: language, culture, work research. It takes time but with the right motivation (and help) there are no dull moments!

  • 去年から写真撮影を始めました.もともと写真に全く興味なく写メも撮らない人間でしたが、いまでは遠征に出かけたり,日の出時間,日没時間,満潮・干潮時刻を調べ,はてには日本でしかうまくいかないと思われる列車乗り換え・複雑なダイヤグラムと睨めっこです。提供しているレッスンは言語ですが,コラムに載せる写真を自分で撮れるようになりました.ただいまの推しの写真は我が街神戸の港の夜景と世界遺産姫路城です.何度も出撃,失敗,何故失敗したか分析しつつ撮った写真をぜひ見ていただきたいです。

    Kei Schönberg
  • This year a student of mine finally achieved his long term goal - passing the C1 exam in German. I’ve had him for 3 years and already helped him pass B2.

    Andreas Lechner
  • I take great pride in assisting numerous students in pursuing their specific goals, and I am thrilled to report that I have achieved incredibly positive and successful results. Among the diverse range of goals my students strive for, some include applying to international schools, securing jobs, passing Eiken or TOEIC exams, and participating in English speech and recitation contests.
    One of my proudest moments this year, in 2023, was when my 14-year-old student won the first prize at an English recitation contest. The news filled me with overwhelming joy and elation. It was as if my student’s achievement was my own child’s success. I deeply care about my students and am committed to supporting them to the best of my abilities.
    To ensure my student’s success, we dedicated countless hours to practice, focusing on aspects such as intonation, rhythm, gestures, facial expressions, and overall synchronization of the speech. The most amazing thing is that I helped her win two English Speech contests!
    Surprisingly, my background as a professional actress in Hollywood has played a significant role in enhancing my ability to teach English. I had never anticipated that my acting skills would be so beneficial in an educational context.
    Let me explain. The years of vocal training I received, including articulation, pronunciation, and vocal projection, have greatly contributed to my ability to perform English conversational dialogues during ""Listening Lessons."" I am able to emulate the CD recordings used in Eiken and TOEIC textbooks. Furthermore, when students shadow my reading, my pronunciation and reading skills reach a professional narrator level, serving as a prime example of proper intonation, pronunciation, and flow. Moreover, my experience as an actress has honed my improvisational skills, which prove advantageous during ""Role-play"" lessons. I can effectively portray any given situation and guide the student in the desired direction within the scene.
    In terms of my personal accomplishments over the past six months, I had the privilege of playing a role in a Canadian TV show. Although I have worked on over 50 American TV shows and films, this is my first Canadian show since I’ve been here. The filming for six episodes has already taken place, and the post-production editing is currently underway. The show is scheduled to premiere on July 1st, 2023, and I am immensely excited about its upcoming broadcast.
    Furthermore, thanks to a referral from a kind acquaintance, I was introduced to a new Talent Agency that has agreed to represent me as an actress. In the world of show business, an agent is indispensable for learning about auditions and the types of roles studios and producers are seeking. Having an agent is crucial for sustaining a successful acting career. Therefore, obtaining representation is a significant milestone for me.
    With this new opportunity, I am thrilled to have more chances to audition for TV and film projects. Fortunately, my acting commitments only require me to work a few times a month, ensuring minimal interference with my primary career as an English teacher. I engage in acting on the side because it is both exciting and unpredictable. While the odds are often stacked against success, akin to winning the lottery, I am determined to give my best effort and avoid any regrets in the future.
    I am genuinely enthusiastic about teaching English and simultaneously pursuing a challenging acting career. It is my goal to inspire and empower my students while continuing to explore and embrace the world of acting.

    Lady Ayame
  • -This year, I promised myself I would make everyday count. I started my own podcast channel in February and so far, it has had over 500 plays! I honestly thought it wouldn’t go past 100 plays, so I’ve come to believe in the phrase: "The least you can do is try"
    -One of my students and I had an intensive course because he was after a high-position job in Germany. In March, he told me that he got the position and he thanked me over and over. Of course, I think it was mostly due to his diligence, but to have your student appreciate your effort really renews your motivation as a teacher.
    -I’ve been studying to improve my Japanese this year. When I had dinner with my Japanese business partner, I managed to impress them. There were moments when I couldn’t express my thoughts accurately, but at least there was no misunderstanding. They told me they were impressed by how much I’ve improved compared to the last time they saw me. They even said, "You’re practically Japanese now!" which I think is a big compliment. So the lesson is: "Even a small progress counts."

  • As a tutor, I’m always thinking about what materials I can use to give my students the most effective learning experiences. There are many great resources one can buy, but I believe the best teaching materials are the ones you make yourself. This year, I finally gathered the motivation and momentum to accomplish my goal of making my own specially-designed cards.
    One set, which I call V is for Verb, is focused (obviously) on verbs, while the other, which I call A is for Adjective, is for common adjectives as well as their comparative and superlative forms.
    I spent a great deal of time meticulously designing them, (then redesigning them!), and ing the best images and example sentences. I’ve been using an older set of V is for Verb cards and they have proven to me virtually all-powerful in lesson application.
    I’ve just completed the final versions and am very proud of the final result. I hope my students like them and find them as useful as I do.


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