私は短期間の勉強でハイスコアを取る方法の本を出版し、amazonでジャンル1位を獲得。現在もトップ10にランクインしています。TOEIC,英検、JLPTに使えるその方法をFace to faceでお教えします♪P.S.私は超有名なミュージシャンと長きにわたり交流がありましたので、バンドやJ-POPに興味がある方は日本の音楽についてもお話ししましょう。
Recently, the class has focused on technical Japanese as I requested; I have learned a lot of programming terms in Japanese. This is very useful for an engineer like me and I am getting used to talking about programming in Japanese.
Recently, the class has focused on technical Japanese as I requested; I have learned a lot of programming terms in Japanese. This is very useful for an engineer like me and I am getting used to talking about programming in Japanese.
因為工作上需要開發程式,偶爾也碰到日本工程師,因為日本人英文大部分不好,很不容易用英文溝通,所以一直想學用日文討論程式相關的事情。經過連續多堂課的磨練,不僅熟悉了日文的表達,也熟悉了很多的程式相關的詞彙。 所以連續談一個主題的效果也很好。
I had some constant errors which I frequently used and I didn't know they were incorrect. Finally, someone taught me to correct them.
It's a big help. Thanks!
Japan's culture is so complicated that even "you" is difficult to say, not just the issue of formal or informal forms. Most of the time we cannot directly say "you" to someone. After teacher's explanation, I've got some ideas. Very challenging.