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Language Fluency

Giapponese Madrelingua
Inglese Fluente

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Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
Hello all tomodachi! I am Moana, from Japan :) I’ve created some lessons not only for Japanese lang...
どのレベルもどんな人も大歓迎!! All levels are welcome!!

【 About me 】

2020 日本大学 国際関係学部卒業
2020 グランドスタッフとして沖縄空港勤務
2022 バンコクのIT企業勤務


Hello! My name is Moana!  
I graduated from Nihon University with a degree in International Relations in 2020.  
I worked as a ground staff member at Okinawa Airport in 2020, where I gained experience handling all types of customers, including U.S. military personnel and tourists.  
In 2022, I worked at an IT company in Bangkok.  
Currently, I’m living and traveling around the world!
I love Southeast Asia and tropical regions.  

I’m skilled in English and communication!
I can assist those who want to travel to Japan, work in the Japanese hospitality industry, or prepare for a working holiday.

【 International Experience 】
・TOEIC scored 835
・海外実務経験あり(カナダ、タイ) / Overseas work experience (Canada, Thailand)
・フィリピン パンガシナンでのボランティア活動 / Volunteering in Pangasinan, Philippines
・カナダ ケロウナでのワーキングホリデー / Working holiday in Kelowna, Canada


I'm fun, friendly girl, and here to support you!

※ タイのサメット島にて❤︎

【 My lessons 】
最初の授業ではどんな目的で日本語を勉強しているのかなど、あなたのことを教えてください◯ 授業よりも友達との楽しい会話のような感覚で受けてください!

Thank you for choosing me as your teacher, so I’d love to tailor our lessons based on your goals.
In our first class, please share why you’re learning Japanese and what your objectives are.
My lesson is relaxed and chill atmosphere, so feel free to join!

【 What you can learn from me 】
・ 24h 日本語と英語で質問し放題!
・ オリジナル教材で一人一人に合った授業を作成
・ 日本旅行の企画や計画、予約サポート
・ 日本の接客業で働きたい、住みたい人のお手伝いができる
・ 言語だけでなく日本の文化や習慣を楽しく学べる
・ 日本に住む&働く相談を日本語&英語でできる
・ 日本語のスラングやトレンドを知る
・ あなたの目標に基づいてレッスンを作ります

- Ask questions in Japanese or English anytime, 24/7!  
- Custom lessons with unique materials just for you.  
- Help with planning, organizing, and booking your trip to Japan.  
- Assistance for working or living in Japan’s hospitality industry.  
- Learn Japanese culture and customs in a fun way.  
- Get advice on living and working in Japan in Japanese and English.  
- Discover Japanese slang and trends.  
- E-books provided, so you don’t need to bring anything.  
- Lessons tailored to your goals.


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Prima che la richiesta sia confermata (fissata)

  • La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.

Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)

  • Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
  • Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
  • No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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