There are three main types of shamisen, and at our Shamisen Dojo, we primarily use the Futozao, als...
This is a groundbreaking opportunity where even those touching the Shamisen for the first time can ...
A friend from the Czech Republic recommended a song that would go well with the shamisen. It seems ...
A customer came to the Shamisen Dojo wearing a Metallica T-shirt, which inspired me to try covering...
The process of honing your senses is the same for both ninjas and shamisen players. In a world over...
寂空-JACK- (津輕三味線手)
還有自己的樂團,叫「THE SYAMISENIST」,在世界遺產表演,參加搖滾音 樂節等,表演活動範圍超越各種音樂款式和國家境界。
2019年,外交部主辦的紀念甘地150年活動裡面負責音樂製作人,把甘地喜歡 的歌編曲到日本版。這個作品受大家的稱讚,拿到印度外交大臣獎。
2019年,法國第一夫人布莉姬為了二十國集團來日本,和日本第一夫人安倍昭 惠舉辦座談會的時候,去在座談會的場地,和盆栽師的平尾成志合作現場表 演。
2019年,橄欖球世界杯在橫濱體育館舉辦複賽的時候,THE SYAMISENIST現 場表演。
2020年,THE SYAMISENIST已經決定第一次去歐洲巡迴。
EPS Entertainment大阪分校和樂器研討會特別講師。所屬TRANSIST
THE SYAMISENIST到台灣攝影的MV也是可以在Youtube上有,希望大家 看!搜尋的關鍵詞是「処女航海」!
課程時間前 24 小時內→ 收取 50% 課程費用為取消費。
缺席→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
I teach the shamisen in English nicely and carefully at all levels from beginners to advanced.
This is an online one-on-one mini-workshop by an active Shamisen player based in Kyoto.
Everyone can participate even if you don't have a shamisen.
Please feel free to ask any questions about the shamisen and myself!
Let's immerse shamisen's world together!