My name is M O E, and I love the German language! Thank you for visiting my profile page. Self Introduction I have written many essays, papers, and presentations in German during my graduate school years in Germany. I have also worked as a German to Japanese interpreter for German professors at music festivals, given German lessons to music exchange students, and helped them with their life i
各位学员,大家好!我是 David 。 我的母语是德语,我目前和日籍老婆住在日本秋田。 我拥有 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)证照,日语水平 N3(日语能力检定)左右。 Sprache ist ein Schlüssel zum Herzen der Menschen! 语言是让心灵互通有无的钥匙☆★☆ 我希望能帮助你培养对德语的自然语感,协助你学习德国文化。 找工作、考证照需要德语?单纯对德语、德国文化、历史感兴趣?无论你的目的为何,我都乐于提供配合你的需求及兴趣的客製化课程。 我在日本已住了 3 年,也曾在日本企业工作过。 我喜欢在闲暇时刻到处旅行、泡温泉♨、看英语连续剧。 非常期待能和各位一同学习德语,我会陪伴各位成长、走过这
Hallo! My name is Emily and if you are looking for creative ways to improve your German speaking or writing skills you came to just the right place. I would describe myself as patient and open-minded, and my experiences in different fields of life, such as biology, music, theater and more, helpful to understanding the person I talk to and adapting to their needs. Teaching Experience
大家好!我是德语讲师Emma。★自我介绍★我毕业于德国的耶拿大学,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德语)」,也就是类似日本的日语教育。我具备教授外籍人士德语的专业知识,还曾在京都的大学实习1个月,期间担任初中级德语对话班的讲师。★关于课程★我的课很注重口说,具体而言就是不太会使用艰涩的语法。我会先让学员记住日常生活中常用的说法,再去自然而然地习得语法规则,虽然不太适合想以语法为中心学习的人,但很推荐重视对话及对语法有点感冒的人预约。不只是语言,我也有提供能学到德语圈习俗及文化的课程。※详细内容请看各课程之介绍。★兴趣★我的兴趣是学习外语和旅行,除了德语以外,我还会英语、法语、韩语及一点俄语和卢森堡语。针对有需要的学员,我也能提供外语学习建议。我也很喜欢吉祥物及动画角色,我是职棒吉祥物、懒懒熊及宝可梦的粉丝。我特别爱宝可梦,动画几乎都是看德语版!感谢你看到最后,
Nice to meet you. I live in Southwest Germany with my German husband and our two kids. The biggest city nearby is called Stuttgart. It isn't the most well known place, but it is home to world famous companies like Daimlar, Porsche, and Bosch. I had put my German studies on hold since having kids, but I started again last year and got a C1 level certification. German grammar can be very complicated
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