He always provides good articles to discuss at the class. I can learn vocabulary and improve pronunciation from the materials. It seems that my comprehensive ability in English was improved than I anticipated. Thanks
Ms. Rich offers wonderful science lessons that covers a lot in school. She even demonstrated online lab classes about batteries, which made my child's understanding much better. She also gives quiz occasionally and makes sure the child's progress.
各位学员,大家好!我叫Jasmin,目前住在德国首都柏林。我在10年前左右毕业后,偶然路过这个城镇,从此就对它一见锺情,决定搬来这定居。柏林是个应有尽有的城市,举凡艺术、历史、大自然、夜生活你都能在这裡找到!我从很久以前开始就对语言很有兴趣,也因此我在学校选修了英语及德语的相关课程。我本身是德语母语者,我也很喜欢阅读及撰写故事。我从去年5月开始在歌德学院(Goethe-institute)研修,为的是取得DAF(Deutsch als Fremdsprache=教授外国人德语的证照)。我学英语长达20年以上,还曾担任过一年左右的家庭教师。我也在3年前开始学日语,我非常喜欢日本这个国家及文化、人民还有语言!虽然我的日语还说得不太流利,但我会持续努力学习!我是个头号奇幻迷,我非常热爱人鱼、妖精、独角兽或魔法相关的神奇事物,此外我也很热衷于RPG及电脑游戏、纸笔游戏等。我也很喜欢音乐剧,最喜欢
Hey there~My name is Ella, an English teacher who loves to travel, learn and get creative in my free time. I studied graphic design but work more with food, gelato and coffee in my day to day work. I moved around a lot growing up (Singapore, Japan, Korea, London, Italy, the Netherlands), so I know how difficult it can be learning a new language and being in a new place can be.I started teach
Hi everyone my name is Connie and my background is in criminal investigations. For the past 30 years I have either supervised or investigated every type of crime. I am a graduate of FBI National Academy and multiple state and federal academies. I am also a US Air Force veterans and have lived 6 years in Japan and one year in Korea. I traveled all over Asia during this time and absolut
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Takenaka Noriko. Once graduating from a music college in Japan, I started working for a Japanese orchestra. After working for that orchestra for five years, I moved to Vienna, Austria. I am currently working as a member of an orchestra in Vienna. ■I am interested in playing the violin. But where should I start? &
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